Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Advantages of a Premier PayPal Account

Subscriptions Enabled
If you offer a product that requires your customers to pay a monthly fee, such as access to an exclusive website, you can request that PayPal automatically send out invoices at the time interval of your choice. If you are running a business, this is a time-saving tool as it eliminates the need to send out all the invoices separately. This is beneficial if you are running your own small business, because saving time can save you money.
Debit Card Provided
When you have a Premier PayPal account, you are issued a PayPal debit card. The debit card allows you to make withdrawals from your PayPal account when you need cash. PayPal also offers a cash back reward for certain purchases made with the card. You can monitor the deposit, withdrawal and transfer of your debit card funds by logging into your regular PayPal account, making it easy to see your expenses.
Multiple Payments
According to PayPal, the Premier account allows you to send out large numbers of payments at once. To make multiple payments, you include the payee's email address, provide the payment amount, specify which currency to make the payment in, verify that you have enough money in your account, and then click 'Mass Pay' to make all the payments at once. Although there are multiple steps to setting up the account, once you have provided all the necessary information it remains in the PayPal system, ready for the next time you need to send out payments. This is also a time-saving process, whether you are managing a business or just looking for a convenient way to pay your bills.
Logging In
The PayPal Premier Account option allows you to have multiple log-ins. This means that if you are running a small business, you can grant your employees partial or total access to your PayPal account. This is useful, for example, if you employ someone to act as a financial secretary in your business. Job duties for a financial secretary include accepting payments, handling money accounts, recording receipts in a ledger book and preparing financial reports, all of which is possible with a PayPal Premier account.

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