Saturday, February 16, 2013

How to Add Backup Funding to PayPal Debit Card

1. Visit the Profile section of your account. After logging into your PayPal account, visit the Profile section of your account. The Profile section of your PayPal account has important information about your account. The Profile section contains three categories. The Account Information category lists common information such as your email and street address. Under the Selling Preferences section you will find tools to help you sell items through auctions or a store. Last, but not least, there is the Financial Information section that lists all your financial information, including bank accounts and credit/debit cards.
2. Click the PayPal Debit Card link to access your debit card information. The PayPal Debit Card link will allow you to access all the information about your debit card. On the PayPal Debit Card page you will first see information on your cash back program. This section lists your earning rate as well as how much money you've earned so far. The limits section lists your daily debit card spending limits as well as your ATM limits. You will also see the number of cards you have requested and the Card Management section. The Card Management section allows you to add backup funding as well as change your PIN number and report your card as lost or stolen.
3. Select the 'Add Backup Funding' link from the 'Card Management' section. The Add Backup Funding link will direct you to a webpage that allows you to fully manage a backup funding source for the account. You will also be allowed to set a limit.
4. Choose a checking/banking account for your PayPal Plus Credit Card. You can choose from the savings and checking accounts you have already added to your PayPal account. You can also use your PayPal Plus Credit Card as a backup funding source. Anytime you use your PayPal Debit Card to purchase an item over the amount in your account, PayPal will withdraw the funds from the backup account.
5. Select a backup funding daily limit. PayPal gives you the option to set your daily limit between $200 and $1,000. This means that if you purchase an item costing $600 and your PayPal account has $200, your backup funding daily limit will need to be at least $400 to cover the cost.

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