Monday, February 11, 2013

How Do I Add PayPal to My Site?

1. Create a PayPal account if you don't have one. Visit the PayPal website and click on the 'Sign up' link in the upper left-hand panel.
2. Log in to PayPal using your user name and password, then click on the 'Merchant Services' tab.
3. Click on the desired service button you wish to use on your website. For example, selecting the 'Buy Now' button will allow visitors to buy items from your website.
4. Assign an item name and unique ID to item that is being sold via the 'Buy Now' button.
5. Assign a currency and price for the item being sold. For example, AUD for Australian dollars. Leave the dialog field blank to create a drop-down menu for multiple currencies.
6. Assign a shipping price and tax rate for the item being sold and click 'Create Button' to complete the process.
7. Copy the generated code and paste it on your website where you want the button to appear.
8. Follow the provided instructions to create other buttons to add to your site, such as 'Donate,' 'Shopping Cart' or 'Gift Certificates' buttons, among many others.

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