Thursday, January 10, 2013

How to Set up a Website to Receive Donations Online

Set Up Your Website
1. Sign up for a free account at WordPress, Blogger, Weebly or another free website or blog hosting service (see links in Resources).
2. Choose a template that complements your organization's look and feel. Most website and blog hosting services offer a wide selection of free templates. Some templates give you the ability to customize certain features, such as color, fonts and even the layout.
3. Create a welcome page. This will be the first thing a visitor sees when they come to your website. Include information about your organization or cause and links to official contact information. Be sure to explain what the money you raise will be used for, and ask for donations.
4. Proofread your new website. Make any necessary changes before you publish.
Add a Donation Button to Your Website
5. Log in to your PayPal Business or Premier account.
6. Click the Merchant Services tab.
7. Click the link labeled "Create payment buttons for your website."
8. Click the link labeled "Accept donations."
9. Enter the requested information, then click the "Create" button.
10. Click the "Select Code" button to highlight the code for your donation button. Copy the highlighted code.
11. Return to your website dashboard. Edit your welcome page HTML. Paste the button code into the welcome page just below your request for donations. Republish or update the page.

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