Thursday, January 17, 2013

How to Combine Shipping on PayPal

1. Determine your combined shipping rate before you start listing items on eBay. Some sellers charge a specific amount, such as full shipping on the first item and $2 for each additional item shipped. Other sellers offer a 10 to 50-percent discount off the shipping charged on all additional items. If you’re listing items of different sizes and weights, a percentage discount is often a better choice.
2. List the item(s) you have for sale on eBay, using the seller form. eBay requires that you create a headline, fill out information on the item and upload a picture if you have one, before you list shipping amounts or shipping information.
3. Select the combined shipping section on the listing form. When you reach the shipping options section of your listing, you enter the shipping amount you charge. eBay also lets you choose to enter the weight and size of the item, and have shipping determined by where the buyer lives. Select the combined shipping option and enter the discount or price for shipping of any additional items.
4. Advertise on all your eBay auctions that you offer combined shipping rates. This lets buyers know that they’ll save money if they purchase more items from you. It also helps increase the amount of possible sales you have, by encouraging potential buyers to look at your auctions.
5. Send an invoice using your combined shipping rate to all buyers who purchase multiple items from you. You must log into your account and create an invoice for the sellers who used the combined shipping options because eBay won’t do it for you. List the total amount you charge for shipping based on the discount, and send it to your buyer to let her know how much she owes and how she can pay with Paypal.

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