Friday, May 24, 2013

How to Use PayPal with DeviantART

1. Browse the deviantART site. Locate a piece or pieces of art that you want to purchase.
2. Look at the art listing to see whether the artist's e-mail is listed. If it is not, send a message to the artist and let her know that you require her e-mail address for a Paypal purchase. You might want to do this in all cases, on the off chance that the e-mail address listed by the artist is not the e-mail address associated with her Paypal account.
3. Sign in to your Paypal account. Click on the tab that says 'Send Money.' Fill out the form with the e-mail address of the artist and the agreed-upon price. Choose the type of currency from the drop-down menu.
4. Make sure the 'Goods' radio button is selected. Click the 'Continue' button. Do not hit the 'Send Money' button on the next page.
5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Fill out the 'Email to recipient' box; be sure to include your deviantART user name and the name, number or description of the piece you are purchasing. Click the 'Send Money' button at the very bottom, and you are finished.

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