Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to Auto Send an Item From PayPal

Preparing Your Website
1. Create a new folder on your website using any FTP client software, then upload your information product to that file. Copy the Web address, or URL, for this file.
2. Create a new page for your website, thanking your customers for their purchase. Include a link to the URL for the information product at the bottom of the page. Include instructions for the customer on how to access the file -- i.e., right-click to download -- and explain what is in the file they are downloading.
3. Insert the following code into the header of your Web page, below the title tags, to make sure your 'thank you' page and the link it contains is not listed in search engines: <META NAME='ROBOTS' CONTENT='NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'>. Without this code, sales may be disappointing, as customers could find your products in Google for free.
Setting up PayPal
4. Log into PayPal using your email address and password, then click the 'Merchant Services' tab.
5. Select a 'Buy Now' button or 'Add to Cart' button.
6. Configure your button as desired, including the price for your item.
7. Click the arrow beside 'Step 3' to display additional options.
8. Click the box beside 'Take customers to this URL when they finish checkout' to place a check mark in that box.
9. Paste the Web address to your 'thank you' page into the field provided.
10. Click 'Create Button.' PayPal will then provide you with the code for that button.
11. Highlight the code for the button and paste it into the sales page on your website.

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