Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to Send Money Internationally on PayPal

1. Open the X-Rates, The Money Converter or Go Currency website (links in Resources) in your Web browser to view the exchange rate and compare it with PayPal's rate.
2. Select the amount, the currency you're converting from and the currency you're converting to, and click "Convert" to see the conversion rate and total. Compare the results with PayPal's exchange rate, remembering that slight differences exist between different converters.
3. Navigate to the "Send Money Abroad With PayPal" webpage with your Web browser (link in Resources).
4. Click once on the "Where Would You Like to Send Money" drop-down box and select the country in which your recipient resides. The "Currency" field is automatically populated with that country's currency.
5. Enter the amount you want to send in the "Amount" text box, less than or equal to $10,000, which is PayPal's limit in a single transaction.
6. Click the "Calculate" button to view fees and other useful information, such as exchange rate and payment options.
7. Analyze the exchange rate. The "You Will Be Sending" section converts the amount from USD to the currency of the selected country, allowing you to compare it to the exchange rate displayed by X-Rates, The Money Converter or Go Currency.
8. Analyze the payment options -- "PayPal Balance," "Credit Card" and "Bank Account" -- as well as the fee for each payment option and the total amount, including fees.
9. Click the "Continue" button to accept the exchange rate and proceed.
10. Enter the recipient's email in the "To" text box and your PayPal email address in the "From" box.
11. Select "Gift," "Living Expense," "Cash Advance" or "Other" in the "Payment Type" section. Click "Continue" to go to the next step.
12. Type your PayPal password in the "PayPal Password" text box. The "Email Address" box will automatically display the address you typed earlier, in the "From" box. Click "Log In."
13. Place a check mark in front of the "I Will Pay the Fee" option if you want the recipient to receive the full amount. If you don't select this option, the recipient will receive the amount you send, minus the PayPal fee. The PayPal website displays the fee, total charge, conversion rate and recipient to avoid any confusion.
14. Click "Change" in the "Payment Method" section to change the payment option, choosing from your "PayPal Balance," "Credit Card" or "Bank Account." The credit card and bank account must be linked to your PayPal account before you can use them.
15. Customize the email sent to the recipient in the "Subject" and "Message" text boxes, in the "Email to Recipient" section.
16. Click the orange "Send Money" button at the bottom of the page to send the funds. Your PayPal account, credit card or bank account will be charged immediately, but credit card and bank account payments take several days to process, depending on the country in which the recipient resides.

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