Saturday, January 5, 2013

How to Transfer Money to a Paypal Account

1. Log into your PayPal account.
2. Click on the "my account" tab. This is the first tab located on the left hand side of the page.
3. Click on the "add funds" link at the top of the page. This link is located under the "my account" tab and the "send money" tab.
4. click on the "Transfer Funds From a Bank Account in the United States" link located in the center of the page.
5. Choose the bank account you want to take funds from by clicking on the drop down arrow located in the center of the page.
6. Add the dollar amount you wish to transfer in the box provided below the checking account you chose to withdraw funds from and then click "enter"
7. This is the last step. On this page you will review and verify the transaction details. After you confirm that all information is correct, simply click the "submit."

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