Saturday, January 19, 2013

How to Test PayPal Sandbox Code

1. Navigate to PayPal Sandbox website (see Resources). Use your username and password to log in.
2. Choose "Test Accounts" to start a test "buyer" account. Click to choose "Pre-configured." Hit the "Buyer" button.
3. Type a fake email address and password to create a "buyer" account.
4. Go back to "Test Accounts" and choose "Pre-configured." Now, hit the "Seller" button to create a fake "seller" account. Type a fake email address and password (different that what you chose for the "buyer" account). Click on "Create Account."
5. Go back to "Test Accounts." Click "Disabled" under "Payment Review" for both the fake buyer and seller accounts you created.
6. Read the billing agreement and click "Accept." Next, select "Enter Sandbox Test Site."
7. Type the test account password and hit "Log-in." Click on "Complete Billing Agreement" listed under "Step 3."
8. Click on the link "API Credentials" to generate a testing API (Application Programming Interface). Note your username, password and signature and type in this information when you are prompted to do so.
9. Navigate to your transaction website where you use PayPal. Use the test buyer account you created and start making test purchases.

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