Thursday, January 3, 2013

How to Put a Claim in to PayPal

1. Open your PayPal home page and click on the 'Resolution Center' tab on the PayPal tool bar.
2. Locate the 'Report a Problem' tab and click to open it.
3. Click either 'Item Dispute' or 'Unauthorized Transaction'. Choose 'Item Dispute' if you did not receive the item you paid for or if the item is not as advertised by the seller. Choose 'Unauthorized Transaction' if you did not authorize the purchase of an item that has been charged to your account. This can include the purchase of a tangible item or a service.
4. Type in the reason you are dissatisfied with the merchandise or service. If you are filing an unauthorized transaction, explain that you do not recognize the transaction.
5. Wait for seller's response. The seller has ten days to respond. Once he responds, if you are satisfied with the response and wish to close the dispute, click the 'Close Dispute' button. PayPal automatically closes any dispute after 20 days if it is not escalated to claim status. If you are not satisfied with the seller's response or offer of resolution, or if the seller does not respond at all, you can click escalate to a claim in your 'Dispute Report' tab.
6. Answer PayPal's request for additional information about your claim. PayPal may require more details than you provided in the initial dispute and ask about the seller's response and what you found unsatisfactory about it.
7. Watch the 'Dispute History' page for updates on the claim. PayPal sends the information you provide to the seller and requires a response. Once the response is received, or if the seller does not respond, PayPal reviews all available information and makes a decision about your claim. If your claim is approved, the money is released to your account. If PayPal agrees with the seller, the money is released to the seller's account.

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