Sunday, April 28, 2013
How to Change a Shipping Address With PayPal
1. Go to the PayPal website and log in by entering your email address and password into the log-in bar on the left side of the page. Press the log-in button and then wait for your dashboard to load up.
2. Click on the profile link. This is located on the left side of the top navigational bar. Then select 'Street Address' from the account information section, which is on the left side of the page.
3. Add your new address. The address page will have a table of all your current and past addresses. To add a new one, simply click on the 'Add' button at the bottom of the page.
4. Enter your address into the form and then click on save. Make sure to check the 'home' box at the top of the page to indicate that this is your residential/shipping address.
5. Delete your old address. Go back to the street address area and then check the box next to the address you wish to delete, and then press the delete button at the bottom of the page.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
How to Get Payment on a Website Using PayPal
Create a Payment System on a Website with PayPal
1. Open a browser and navigate to
2. Hover your mouse over 'Get Paid,' and then select 'Accept Credit Cards' in the drop-down menu underneath. On the next page, select 'Try it now.'
3. Fill out the form on the next page that asks what you're accepting payment for, whether you want a shopping cart, and what the name and price of the product is. You'll be able to add more products later.
4. Click on 'Step 2' underneath the first form. This optional step offers features for tracking inventory; if you select any one of these features, you'll be prompted to create a PayPal account or log into an existing account.
5. Click on 'Step 3.' You'll be prompted to create an account or log in if you haven't already done so. Fill out the advanced features, such as whether or not customers will be asked for their shipping address or what Web page to send users to after completing a purchase.
6. Select 'Create Button' when you're finished with all three steps.
7. Copy the block of code that PayPal provides on the next page. Paste it into your website at the spot you want the 'Buy Now' or 'Add to Cart' button to appear.
8. Click on the 'Create a similar button' link beneath the block of code to continue adding buttons for other products.
Request Payment for Services with PayPal
9. Open a browser and navigate to
10. Hover your mouse over 'Request Money' and from the drop-down box below select 'Get Paid.' On the next page, click the 'Get Started' button.
11. Type in the person or company's email address and the amount they owe you, then select the currency and the type of payment from the lists provided. Click 'Continue' when done.
12. Review your information on the next page and, if necessary, type in a personal message to the person or company you're requesting money from. Click on the 'Request Money' button to complete the request.
How to Put PayPal Links in Ads
Set Up PayPal for Your Ad
1. Log in to your PayPal Business account. Click on the 'Merchant Services' tab. Click on either the 'Buy Now' or 'Add to Cart' button to access PayPal configuration. You can also choose the type of transaction from the list under the buttons.
2. Select 'Products' or 'Services' in the 'Accept payments for' field for an individual product or service. Add your item name and ID in their respective fields. Choose the 'Add to Cart' radio button for multiple purchases or 'Buy Now' for a single purchase button. Use the 'Customize Button' feature to add a drop-down menu with or without price, change button size and language or use your own button image. Add your shipping and tax rate and choose account email information. Select 'Use my secure merchant account ID' to keep your PayPal email address from appearing in your button HTML. Go to Step 6 to create your button and code.
3. Select 'Subscriptions and recurring billing' in the 'Accept payments for' field for periodic payments. Add your item name and subscription ID in their respective fields. Use the 'Customize Button' feature to add a drop-down menu with or without price, change button size and language or use your own button image. Check the 'Have PayPal create user names and passwords for customers' checkbox if your website is set up with a secure, password-protected area that you can give customers access to with this function. Enter currency, amount, billing cycle and billing retry parameters in their respective fields, You can also offer customers a trial subscription. Select 'Use my secure merchant account ID' to keep your PayPal email address from appearing in your button HTML. Go to Step 6 to create your button and code.
4. Select 'Donations' in the 'Accept payments for' field for periodic payments. Add your organization name and donation ID in their respective fields. Use the 'Customize Button' feature to add a drop-down menu with or without price, change button size and language or use your own button image.
Enter currency and contribution amount parameters in their respective fields. Select 'Use my secure merchant account ID' to keep your PayPal email address from appearing in your button HTML. Go to Step 6 to create your button and code.
5. Select 'Gift certificates' in the 'Accept payments for' field for this item. Specify the store URL where the gift certificate can be redeemed. Use the 'Customize Button' feature to add a drop-down menu with or without price, change button size and language or use your own button image.
Enter currency and gift certificate amount parameters in their respective fields. Customize the gift certificate with your logo image URL, background color and theme choices. Use 'Preview' to see the customized gift certificate. Select 'Use my secure merchant account ID' to keep your PayPal email address from appearing in your button HTML. Go to Step 6 to create your button and code.
6. Click on 'Create Button' after configuring your purchase button parameters. Click on 'Select Code' to highlight the HTML code for use on your ad. Paste the HTML button code into the HTML code for your ad or website.
How to Accept Other Than PayPal for eBay Sales
Adding a Moneybookers, ProPay or Paymate Payment Option
1. Visit the Moneybookers, ProPay and Paymate websites to register additional payment options; these three payments options are all supported by eBay as of November 2010. Register for accounts on the aforementioned sites and link the accounts to your eBay account. You can automatically link a ProPay account to your eBay account during the ProPay signup process, but to link your Moneybookers and Paymate accounts, you have to access your Moneybookers and Paymate accounts and choose the 'Link to eBay' option.
2. List your item. On the 'Create your listing' page, Click 'Add or remove payment options' next to 'Decide how you'd like to get paid' near the bottom of the page. Select from the payment options you registered for. Click 'Save.'
3. Create your listing. Buyers can now elect to pay you through whatever payment option you included. The buyer does not have to sign up for a Moneybookers, ProPay or Paymate account to send payment via those payment options.
Adding a Merchant Credit Card Payment Option
4. Visit and sign into your eBay account. Click 'My eBay' and select the 'Account' tab. Click 'Site Preferences' and click the 'Show' button next to 'Payment from buyers.' Click 'Edit.' The 'Payment preferences' page will appear.
5. Fill out the require payment gateway information, such as your payment gateway provider, merchant login ID, merchant login password, credit cards you'll accept and whether you wish for buyers to enter their credit card's security code for verification. You will receive notification that your payment gateway information is confirmed on the following 'Payment preferences' screen.
6. Click 'Accept credit or debit card payments to your internet merchant account' to add a credit card payment option to your auctions.
How to Remove My PayPal From Facebook
1. Sign into your Facebook account.
2. Click 'Account Settings' under 'Account' on the top right of the page.
3. Click the 'Payments' tab.
4. Click 'Remove' next to your PayPal payment information.
How to Set Up a Premier PayPal Account
1. Go to and click on 'Sign Up' on the top menu.
2. Select your country and language on the two drop-down menus.
3. Click on 'Get Started' in the box that says 'Premier.'
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click on the link that says 'User Agreement' and read the agreement. Close the 'User Agreement' window.
5. Click on the link that says 'Privacy Policy' and read the policy. Close the 'Privacy Policy' window.
6. Scroll to the top of the page. Complete the form on it. All information asked is required.
7. Click on the button that says 'Agree and Create an Account.' PayPal will send you an e-mail confirming your new Premier account.
How to Create a Label Through PayPal
1. Log in to your PayPal account and click the 'Payments Received' link in your main account page.
2. Locate the transaction for the item you want to ship in your transaction history.
3. Click the 'Print Shipping Label' button in the same row as the transaction.
4. Ensure that the 'Shipping From' address is accurate. If not, edit it by clicking the 'Edit Address' link beneath the address.
5. Type the shipping information for the recipient in the 'Ship To' form. Select a country from the drop-down menu on the left, then enter the recipient's first and last name and address.
6. Check that the shipping carrier is accurate. By default, PayPal selects the US Postal Service, but if you'd like a different carrier, click the 'Choose a Different Carrier' link, click the radio button next to your preferred carrier, then click the gold 'Continue' button to return to the shipping label form.
7. Select the type of service you'd like to ship your package with from the drop-down menu next to 'Service Type.'
8. Select the size of the package you want to ship in the drop-down menu next to 'Package Size.'
9. Enter the weight of your package in exact pounds and ounces, if the package type and size require it.
10. Select the date you expect to mail the package in the 'Mailing Date' drop-down menu under 'Shipping Options.'
11. Choose the appropriate radio boxes indicating whether your package should have signature confirmation or display the shipping cost on the label. Also choose whether you will insure the package. If you want to insure the package, also include the monetary value of its contents.
12. Type a short note to the recipient in the comment field next to 'Email Message to Recipient,' if you wish, then click the gold 'Continue' button to pay for the label.
13. Review your shipping label. If all the information is accurate, click the gold 'Pay and Continue' button at the bottom.
14. Click the 'Print Label' button to print the label with your computer printer.
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