Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How to Use PayPal for Donations

1. Navigate to the PayPal website (see Resources). Log in with your email address and password or register if you don't already have an account.
2. Click the 'Merchant Services' tab at the top of your account overview page. Click the 'Website Payments Standard' link under the Merchant Services label on the left side of the page.
3. Click the 'Payment Buttons' tab. Click the 'Create one now' under the Sell Single Items label.
4. Click the 'Choose a button type' drop-down list, then click 'Donations.' Enter the name of your organization or project in the 'Organization name/Service' field. Enter an optional 'Donation ID' if needed.
5. Click and the select the currency for your donations in the Currency drop-down list.
6. Click and select the appropriate option under the Contribution Amount header. To allow donors to enter their own contribution amount, enable the 'Donors enter their own contribution amount' option. To solicit a fixed donation amount, click the 'Donors contribute a fixed amount' option.
7. Click 'Create Button' at the bottom of the page. Click the 'Select Code' button.
8. Copy and paste the 'Website' code from the PayPal site into an HTML document. Paste the donation code at the point in your Web page code where you want the button to appear on your website.
9. Save the changes to the HTML file and upload it to your website. Viewers can now view the donation button on your page. When viewers click the button, PayPal prompts them to log in to their account and transfer funds to you or your organization.

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