Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How to Create a Donation Page in vBulletin

Installing The vBulletin PayPal Add-On Donation Page
1. Navigate to the vBulletin website. Sign into the site using your valid username and password combination.
2. Go to the PayPal Donations add-on page.
3. Click on the link located in the 'Download Now' section towards the bottom of the page. Save the file to your desktop. The download process will take approximately one minute to complete. You will be notified by your browser that the file has saved to your computer.
4. Upload the program files you have downloaded to your server, keeping the folder hierarchy intact. The file will take approximately one minute to upload. For example, if your forum is on the main domain, the add-on file will be uploaded to: you have your forum set up in a '/forum' folder, you would upload the install file to:
5. Direct your browser to the 'donations_install.php' file. Load the page to begin the installation process.
6. Follow the installation directions exactly as they appear once the page is loaded. During installation, you will need to provide your PayPal email address, the location of the donate.php file that was uploaded in step four and the location of your ppverify.php file along with several site specific options, which vary based on your personal setup. The steps will be self-explanatory based on your own information.Typically, your files will be found at the following URL if you used a forum folder: may also be found at the following URL if forum files are located in the main site directory:
Setting Up PayPal For vBulletin Donations
7. Turn off 'Test mode' within your PayPal account to begin accepting donations. To do this, visit the PayPal Sandbox developer website and click on the 'Sandbox' tab followed by 'Disable' under the 'Test mode' section.
8. Turn on PayPal Instant Payment Notification by visiting the PayPal IPN page and then entering the pass through domain used for notifications. When asked to enter the 'notification URL,' you will enter the location on your server where you saved the ppverify.php file during the donation page upload.For example:
9. Choose the IPN option that says 'Receive IPN messages (Enabled).' Click 'Save.'

How to Set Up a PayPal Account to Receive Money

1. Go to Click on 'Get Paid,' and then click 'Get Money.'
2. Decide which account you would like to establish. Choose either a personal or business PayPal account. If you are a business owner and will be receiving payments on items your business sells on a regular basis, choose the business account option. Start a personal account if you desire to collect money for non-business-related reasons such as from friends or family members.
3. Input your personal information online. Include your e-mail address, date of birth, phone number and physical address. Sign up for a PayPal premier personal account so you can receive money now, and have the option to buy products at a later date if that is your desire.
4. Gather the information of your financial institution. Fill out the name of the location where you bank. Complete all required banking institution fields including the routing number and account number fields. Your account number is found on the bottom left of your check, and the routing number is to the right of that. Pick either your checking or savings account to use for PayPal account purposes.
5. Expect a PayPal confirmation e-mail. Click the link in the e-mail and you will arrive at a webpage that will allow you to verify your PayPal account. Ensure that the webpage you are taken to states that you have successfully verified your PayPal account.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How to Avoid Paypal Fees

1. When you first establish a Pay Pal account it will automatically be set up as a personal account. Keep it this way! Do not upgrade to a premier or business account or you will incur fees for many PayPal deposits and credit card transactions. A personal account is perfect for people who are simply buying items on ebay or getting monthly deposits from a site like
If you're a novice seller on Ebay don't accept debit or credit cards. Pay Pal will charge you almost 5% of the sale price plus thirty cents to receive a credit card payment. Instead, ask your buyers to do an instant Paypal transfer, issue you a Paypal echeck, or pay with the balance in their account. This way, it's free!
3. When making a withdrawal, transfer the money to a linked checking or savings account instead of requesting that Paypal issue you a check. For a check to be printed and mailed to you - you'll face a $1.50 Paypal fee.
You can also draw off your paypal balance, for free, by opening a Paypal debit card. You can use it anywhere like a bank debit card. As soon as the money is in your paypal account, there's an available balance on your debit card.

How to Sort PayPal by the Payee

1. Log in to PayPal.
2. Click the 'My Account' tab in the main navigation menu.
3. Click the 'History' link in the navigation sub-menu at the top of the page.
4. Set your preferred date range by clicking the radio button beside the start date calendar and the end date calendar. Click the 'Show' button to view all transactions between your chosen dates.
5. Click the 'Payments Sent' link. This filters the transactions to show only payees and payment sent.

How to transfer money to your bank account from a Visa Gift Card

1. Activate your Visa Gift Card to purchase items online. You will need to do this for online purchases and using your card on PayPal. offers Visa Gift Card activation.
Create a PayPal account. This is fairly easy and can be done at
3. Connect your bank account with your PayPal account. Go to your "profile" on PayPal's homepage, select "bank accounts" and then "add". From there follow the instructions. It will take a few days to confirm your bank account, then you will be able to transfer funds between PayPal and your bank account. In the meantime, proceed to step 4.
4. Send money from your Visa Gift Card to your bank account via PayPal. You can do this from accessing PayPal's homepage and then going to "Send Money". You will enter your email address of your newly created PayPal account and the balance on the Visa Gift Card. Your money will then be transferred to you PayPal account.
5. Transfer PayPal balance into you bank account. On your PayPal account page goto "withdraw" then "transfer to bank account".
6. Enjoy the money how you would like.

How to Change My Account in Netflix

1. Go to the Netflix website at
2. Sign into your account by inputting your email address and your unique password. Check 'Remember Me' if you want the website to automatically sign you in the next time you log onto the website from the computer you are using. Do not select this option if you are logging in from a public computer.
3. Click 'Your Account & Help' on the top left corner of the screen.
4. Click 'Change plan' on the top of the right-hand column.
5. Select the account plan you prefer. Click 'Show Additional Plan' on the bottom-right side of the screen to show the complete range of account plans.
6. Click 'Continue' on the bottom of the screen.
7. Select 'Confirm Change' to confirm the account plan change.

How to Check a PayPal Account

1. Go to and enter your email address and password into the box on the left, then hit 'Log In'.
2. Look at your account balance in the center of the screen. Recent activity for the past 7 days will be displayed underneath under 'My Recent Activity'. Look through all these transactions to make sure there are no errors.
3. Select 'View all of my transactions' on the right hand side to see a list of all deposits, withdrawals, and transfers made to and from your account. These transactions are in chronological order starting with the most recent. Skim through these transactions to make sure all the charges and actions were made and authorized by you.
4. Hit the 'Contact us' link on the right hand side to ask questions or send concerns to the PayPal staff through email or by phone.