Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How to Use PayPal Without Opening an eBay Account

1. Start a PayPal account by visiting http://www.paypal.com. Click on the “Sign up” link at the top right of the page or below the email sign-in form on the left-hand side of the page. Choose whether your account will be personal, premier or business.
2. Enter your checking account and credit card numbers and the other requested information such as your mailing address and email address. Confirm your membership by opening the email PayPal sends to the address you entered during the sign-up process. Write down your password and keep it in a secure place. When you return to PayPal to login, enter your email address and password.
3. Click on the “Send Money” tab in the top navigation menu to pay for products or services. You need the email address or mobile phone number of the recipient. The recipient does not need to be a PayPal account holder.
4. Select whether your transaction is a purchase for goods and services or for personal reasons such as a gift or for living expenses. Enter the dollar amount and click “Continue.” PayPal will show a summary of your order. At the bottom of the screen, you can customize an email message. Click “Send Money” when you’ve finished completing the form. PayPal will show you a confirmation and send the email to the recipient.

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