Sunday, May 19, 2013

How to Change a Shipping Address to a Mailing Address in PayPal

1. Log in to your PayPal account by visiting Enter your username and password in the spaces provided.
2. Check the top of the screen and select the "My Account" tab. The My Account section holds all your private and personal information, including address, credit card number and bank account number, and lets you change that information at any time.
3. Change your home address by adding a new shipping address to your account and using your mailing address. Simply enter your shipping address into the mailing address space and press "Save."
4. Once you have the new address listed on your account, select the "Save As Primary Address" button underneath.
5. Delete any old shipping addresses on your account. PayPal gives you the option to remove or delete all address associated with your PayPal account except for your primary address. When you remove all the other addresses, your mailing address will also become your shipping address.

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