Saturday, June 15, 2013

How to Calculate Etsy Profit

1. Make a list of the items you are currently selling or wish to sell on Etsy. Add your prices for each item.
2. Create a spreadsheet of the items you are selling, and add the following columns: Item Price; Shipping;Etsy Fee (3.5% + $0.20); PayPal Fee (2.9% +$0.30); and Profit.The price and shipping fees are a manual entry, while the Etsy Fee and PayPal fee are a formula; Profit is the total (formula) of the other columns. If your profit doesn't appear to be enough, go back and edit pricing.
3. Use a free Etsy fee calculator, If creating spreadsheets is not your forte. The developer has already plugged in the necessary calculations, making it a quick and easy price gauge. You can even use the "reverse calculations" to see exactly where to price your items to get the profit you are hoping to achieve.

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